this was an interesting concept; to have all the museum's exhibits/portraits/statues alive, and showing us their joys, their questions, and their own personal quests.
in this movie, we saw dacius cactus on a quest to say a pick-up line on a beautiful girl.
but alas, he fails! and his friends tricked him into saying that cheesy pick-up line...
everything was doomed from the beginning...
only caesar was forgiving enough to his old compatriot, for he laughed WITH him, and not AT him...
but then... then caesar faced his greatest foe... I CANNOT NAME SUCH A DARK FOE....
for he is truly awful.
but we have seen a great movie, filled with love, conquest, failure and conflict.
what more do you want, dear viewers?
but seriously though:
i found this movie to be beautiful, and to have a nice fresh concept.
you should do more episodes with this theme/topic.
it would be funny+clever.
keep up the good work!