That's why I love the internet
Inspired by all of the death threats I received for making The Pokemon Hoarder.
If you want to be the first to know about what I'm doing and when it's coming out follow me on tumblr
Thanks to R.J. O'Connell for the voice work
and Thanks to Ozoh for the music:
That's why I love the internet
0:11 Five Nights At Jiggly-Puff's
No matter what you do...
I really enjoyed this! This is the first time I laughed out loud to one of your animations! (Not that your animations are bad.)
It's good to see someone in the arts community who takes the "crap" others sling and uses it to inspire or create positively. For my two-cents' worth, just remember that anytime you've reached a deep and visceral response from your audience (pleasant or otherwise) you've done the job of an artist. The rest (for better or worse) comes with the territory.
Keep it up and you will not regret it. You will only grow... as an artist.
Thanks and I couldn't agree more with the idea of it coming with the territory! That's always been my view of it.