I love this =D
Made by me with some help from Ukinojoe!
Cosmika Galactica voiced by special guest star...herself!
I love this =D
I dont think this song will leave my head anytime soon
I watch this whenever I have lots of Work To Do Today. I love it. I love Cool Bitch. I love her space hair. I love the pink triangle thing. I love the alien. I'm proud of them all. They did all their work to do today. 5 stars
Good animation. Song was not particularly catchy or anything. I would write more detail but I have a lot of work to do today.
+3 Artwork/Animation
-1 Song not that great
-1 I have a lot of work to do today
The singing wasnt that great but the animation was very good. i really liked the "cool bitch;s" hiar effect thing.