go to hell.
u made them look exactly like the charectars for college univ you thief.
update: i will no longer be doing school life as i have too much reviews about how 'i ripped of college univ'
go to hell.
u made them look exactly like the charectars for college univ you thief.
Wow. That was... Terrible. I can't imagine how you could've done worse. The animation was horrific, the lip synching was way off, the art looked like something a young child would draw. Not only that, but the voice acting was.. Bleh, you took Collage U's art style and ruined it, there was no plotline. You've created the perfect spam submission! BLAM!
Don't quit
Dude, don't stop creating because some jack-asses (not sure if that word is seperated or heyphenated) told you you're ripping something off, that's half of what newgrounds is, parodies.
Interesting being I'm at school right now. Everyone seemed to get a kick out of it except for my teacher. -blink-
this sucks
this blows...