Good job, can't wait to see the finished product.
Hey everyone, here's a storyboard for a series that I'm trying to create. This is more just a test to see how a potential scene would look.
Check it out and feel free to add some ideas about more story elements featuring the characters!
PS. also the song used is from pirates of the Caribbean lol
Good job, can't wait to see the finished product.
thank you ! I'll try not to disappoint!
I've been thinking about doing a motion comic for a while because I don't have the time to do full animation, so this was really cool to see how that kind of thing would work with action scenes, I think if you just polished your artwork and added slightly more animated scenes with some voice acting and sound effects you'd have something really cool even without complete animation.
Just some food for thought.
ya im in the process of writing a script and stuff for a full scene. I always found the idea of a motion comic cool though so I'll definitely will look into the idea.
Even for a storyboard, this is great. I honestly can't wait for the first episode.
woah thanks so much!! Ill try and get some more content out as soon as I can!