Your character's legs are too far away from each other.
Actual human legs are a bit more close together.
You can practice drawing walk cycles by carefully observing the complexities of the human form first.
Than carefully observe how the joints in the human form are all connected to each other.
The foot alone has a lot of flexible parts in it.
Wiggle your foot and you notice a lot of movable parts inside.
Act out your poses to create reference material such as photographs or video.
My little brother once helped me with a drawing by acting out poses.
You will need to see what your intended pose looks like ahead of time.
Acting out your pose and creating reference material will make your work a lot easier.
The actual movie itself is not just some random walk cycle.
I seen random walk cycles posted here all the time.
A walk cycle by itself is not very entertaining to watch.
The walk cycle is used to get from point a to b.
Your character walked towards an electrical outlet.
That same character than stuck his finger into that same electrical outlet.
The next part of the movie than concluded at a quick punch line.
This quick gag movie had a very simple start, middle and end.
Start- walk cycle.
Middle- walk cycle ends at electric outlet. Your character sticks his finger in outlet and gets a shock.
End- Punchline to the movie.
This movie has entertainment value and it quickly made it's point without filler.
The walk cycle and poses can use a bit of improvement and hopefully my review has helped provide constructive criticism.
Keep making those movies.