I liked it
I liked this it was entertaining and some good humor points so I did enjoy this. It was confusing at times like with the dog and all but still overall funny
This is toedog, he has toes, he is a dog, he is toedog. See him go. Swazee.
*Update* Maybe I fixed the pre-loader.
*Update* This time, the captain really did fix pre-loader.
If you are a loon, watch this, for you are a loon.
If you are not a loon, go away! not wanted here!! youre no loon! no room for non-loons! non-loons should be going!! no rooommmm!!!
I liked it
I liked this it was entertaining and some good humor points so I did enjoy this. It was confusing at times like with the dog and all but still overall funny
Uhhhh.... this didn't make any sense. Why was the other dog cut in half? what was the plot? holy shit.
Great. Simple enouhh.
I have to agree with JonH2O on this. This is exactly the kind of shit my roommates laugh at me for liking, not that I really give a shit, but anyway.... Excellent work.
I like it
These are the kidns of animations I enjoy by myself late at night with headphones on. You cant watch this stuff with a crowd and show any form of praise without being laughed at.....I LOVE IT. It reminds me of an animation titled "FACEGARY." You may like it.
whoa.....that sucked.
Bad tweening, bad frame rate. bad everything. Geez..what a waste.