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Money ball

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Football, basketball, volleyball ... each of them have become obsolete. Meet the game of the next generation, it is the MoneyBall!

With the help of the unusual properties of money ball, collect banknotes scattered on each level.

= Control
AWD, left-up-right or 486 - movement keys.
Spacebar is pause.
Fullscreen is F12 (it may not work)
In the game is more.

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Perhaps new such games.

Ok, I'm not gonna lie, this wasn't that bad of a game. The concept is original, but I feel you were extremely lazy on it.
1. Is there a reason the same buttons on the starting screen are also the same on the pause menu?
2. Did everything on there NEED to be the 100 dollar bill? It seems pretty repetitive. I mean, everything is Ben Franklin. There could've at least have been 20's as the platforms or something.
3. Level 8 has insanely low effort put into it.
4. Why is the background a bland, blue background? I mean, there could've been SOMETHING.
Overall, the game is too easy. I feel like 7 is the only challenge I had. Maybe if you add more levels and make them more difficult this will be worth a higher score.

An okay plat former that needs more content and better music.

I give this a 1 b/c it IS slightly better than that other abomination of a game you made but really not by much. Music 1/5, Art 1/5, Control 2/5.

Impossible on level 7, and this was very glitchy. Sometimes the ball wouldn't go to the sides. 1 star because the song was ok

Maraham responds:

Level 7 is most difficult level of this game.
If you take one banknote or more, you will be not able to take a last banknote.
So you have to move as in the figure below


Credits & Info

2.22 / 5.00

Nov 8, 2015
5:20 AM EST