Match3 RPG game, where you play as bounty hunter that travel trough galaxy and kill dangerous enemies.
This game had a chance to be good but due to the enemy taking more turns than the player makes it quite unfair so you should completely remake this game so the players can actually ply and enjoy it
this game are a bugued shit, i have be killed again the second ennemy and the reason are, when i taked a shield its my ennemy got the 2 point of shield, 65% of my attack not make damage, 30% of my attack only make 1 of damage in time i have a gun make 2-5 of damage and for finish, i have hot a time where the ennemy hve be able to play 20-30 turn in row whit skiping the mine -_-
The enemy should not get more turns than the player. It is unfair and ruins what could of been a great game.
You are an absolute TRAITOR! What is this crap? Whenever i try to match or make a move HE TAKES THE TURN AND ATTACKS ME YOU TRAITOR TIMEWASTER!