Well done
Yay! I finally finished the preview cut. Jebus this took a while. Not due to time, but due to FUCKING Flash CC crasing every two hours. Note: the final version will be more fluent and longer.
Also- It doesn't stop on its own, so you may want to do something about that. And, please be fair. This is my first animation, so please, give me some advice.
Well done
Maybe, i can help you with your music program, also, nice project btw
Well ... No play button, the movement of animation is something rare, something smooth, but not both, and the music starts again and mix.
Yeah, I know.
Do not submit contentless previews to the Portal. This is telling us nothing about your movie other than there's a load of Madness guys killing each other, which we've all seen a million times before. Quit now and come up with your own ideas.
Wow. I did not expect that. So, what you're saying is that I should just abandon this entire project?
So far it's looking good! Movements do feel a bit choppy (increase FPS maybe?), and the music loops over and over if you let it keep play... but looking forward to the full thing!
Thanks, and I'm still working on the complete one. The final version won't have the music loop over itself.