Enjoyed this it has a good premise, reminds me of Weebl in a good way.
Hey friend! Bit short of cash this month? I feel you, brother/sister/homedawg. WPOSOWAFD have your back and we've also got your side. WE'VE GOT ALL OF YOU. We're a monetary revolution! An economic eureka! So put away that check book and pull up your undergarments, no need to perform unspeakable things to wealthy sportscar owners ever again! Only to slightly damp animals. WPOSOWAFD. WE LOVE YOU
Enjoyed this it has a good premise, reminds me of Weebl in a good way.
Good animation. However, I don't know if this is just me but it's not really that funny. The audio quality was so so. Overall good work. I'm sure you'll keep getting better.