You get a blackscreen if you use firefox... everithing is fine with chrome.
A short Kinetic novel series me and a buddy are workin' on.
A normal girl named Abbigale moves into a house inhabited by strange beings, she invites her friend to room with her, but her friend doesn't know about these other-worldy beings.
(edit) I've noticed some people just getting a blank screen, I'm not sure what's causing the problem, but I'll look into it and see if I can remedy it.
You get a blackscreen if you use firefox... everithing is fine with chrome.
Ah, thx so much for clearing that up, the more you know:3
I don't know if/how to edit reviews so I logged with goole acconut. For whatever reasons older version of opera works with it (chrome too). Great story so far (but it was a bit short, even for episode), interesting characters, using minecraft for backgrounds is pretty good idea. Music was ok, but having "mute" option would be good for people with different tastes (or listening to something in background).
Also, I dont know if it was desired effect of not, but sprites get ... darker (flashes?) for a second before changing.
I'm waiting for more.
Yea, sorry for the length, this was my first semi-practice project.
I'll look into the technical problems though on the second one:\
Sadly, I see black screen. Is it related to Hapycow's comic(
If so, I like the comic.
hmm, not sure what's going on with certain peoples computers/broswers.
It works fine on google chrome and opera. but when I play it on opera it gives me the message that "This site uses a plug-in that will soon be unsupported.
As far as the relation to the comic series "Abby Normal" I actually have no relation to it...:(
It DOES look interesting however, but the title I made stems from the young Frankenstein joke on the ab-normal brain Igor(eyegor) finds:P
It's loading a song than a wonderful black screen, what inaccurate work! Load the things in the proper place and put attention on what you do!
This confused me a bit, since this was found in the games section. I was wondering, for a game, why so much dialog. In reading the Author Comments, this was a kinetic novel series? Maybe this should of been uploaded to the Movie section or even maybe the Art section. From what I saw none-the-less, all I can say is not to shabby.
Thx for the input, it means alot:3
But yea this is my first time posting anything on this site, so I'll be sure to post the other episodes in the art or movies section.