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Space: An Planetary Opera

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Money Bag's 5 Points

You're rich

Taking it back 5 Points

Start a "Open World Mode" game, for the first time.

The first one's free 5 Points

Play Space : A Planetary Opera for the first time.

A friend in need... 10 Points

Wing's average Hull is at 200%

Deflector Shield 10 Points

You ship's Hull is at 200%

Goose Lives! 10 Points

Your wingmen Hull average HP is crazy

Monopoly 25 Points

Champagne wishes and caviar dreams

Star Lord 50 Points

You beat the game!

Author Comments

**Added Full Screen
Hit Enter(Return) Key for Full Screen

**Added Auto Save

**Some bugs fixed

A retro space shooter, with RPG and strategy elements.

***Sorry, right now two of the medals show every time you play even if you have Them.......Hot fix coming soon***

It's A "BETA" right now, people. If you don't like the game, Rate it whatever you want, but if you just run into a bug or something like that just let me know and i'll fix it.

I'm a team of one right now working on the game. So please let me know if you run into any bug or if you like to see something new in the game or take anything out. Every idea will be taking into consideration. I will try to accommodate everyone

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Another fun space game here it was interesting and this one had some nice depth to it with the planet and all, all the medals are a nice touch and overall this was actually a fun game, runs smooth control wise and overall a fun game here I liked it


when i get to the first large fight i beat all the enemies and nothing ever happens after that...


The liked the game. It required you to be careful when approaching and attacking (and to upgrade yourself to make the game easier). I also like that the game instantly restarts when the player dies.

However, I experienced some problems and also would like to suggest some ideas for the game:
- Sometimes (later in the game) when I would come across a planet surrounded by bad guys, they wouldn't react to me; they'd just stay in one place and I could pick them off easily. This would also happen with guys that are just randomly out in space. I don't know what causes this to happen.
- Being able to upgrade the home planets and build an army is nice, but later in the game, when the levels get so expansive, your teammates don't travel very far, meaning you have to do most of the work (and by teammates, I mean the blue and yellow guy, as well as the other green guys that accompany you). It would be nice if they would venture out with me or if I can order them to go move to specific places.
- The game can be kind of underwhelming at times since I can just destroy the enemy planets and then take out the remaining ships. Perhaps increase the output of the planets to make the situations more dire.
- Later in the game in the giant levels, perhaps when there are about five enemies left, have an arrow that will guide the player to those ship because it can be pretty annoying to comb through the level to find the last guys.
- Perhaps make more artwork and objects that will help the player differentiate one part of the level from the other. Also, have the objects like the suns burn up enemies who get too close (basically have the environment be more interactive with the player. At least try it out and if it doesn't work, then you can just scrap the idea because I understand it could certainly complicate the mechanics of the game and could create an imbalance of some sort).
- This one isn't a big deal, but what about adding a mute button? Maybe a level select screen as well.

I enjoyed the game (though it placed a lot of stress on my computer with all the enemies) and hope to see more games from you in the future. Good luck!

As others have said, I haven't been able to get this game working. The only button that does anything is the "Load Open World Game" button, which changes the text to "Loading" but then the text just reverts and nothing happens. Not sure why that's happening. I'm using Windows 7 and Firefox.

ogier87 responds:

A Update was released Sep 20, that was not suppose to be or ready to come out. With no immediate way to rectify it.

I have just released a hot fix for the game you should have no problem now.

Credits & Info

2.69 / 5.00

Sep 14, 2015
4:48 PM EDT