Like Sirru said, the game is good but has bugs that need to be fixed. Especially on the levels where there are glass since the glass acts as a barrier to the targets. I'm sure this can be fixed by bringing the targets position to the very front but since I have no access to the code or game design, I can't really say. Also there is a bug where if you press the number 2 key on the keyboard, you will move on to the next level with the current weapon you possess. This means that you can bring assault rifles and pistols into levels that want you to use a sniper. Still, this glitch is pretty cool though so please don't fix it. Additionally, the last level is not playable. I do not know why but it is just not possible to play it. First time, the enemies are invisible and afterwards, all the enemies are shooting at the same time so it is not possible to beat it. I would advise delaying the enemy's shooting time and the enemy's spawn time so it could be playable and beatable. Lastly, I understand the need for good gameplay but there are several misspellings that need to be corrected. For example, one mission meant to say threat but instead says treat.