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During scientific research as a Osuldorb, you went off into another galaxy, with your best friend Chudwe, using the high-tech Derodonal device. At your arrival to a planet you are greeted by many different hostile Nielderthands. During the chaos that broke out, you are separated from the Derodonal device, and now have to find it. Unfortunately for you, these Nielderthands are all very poisonous, which results in death on touch, and Chudwe jumped strait into one. He disintegrated in a flash.

There are also other materials out there that can result in death, since on this planet, almost everything is linked.
You now have to find your way to the Derodonal device, and figure out how to get there. There are signs that may or may not be helpful on the way.
Collect Metons to increase your Mation power. You need at least 500 Mations to power up your Derodonal device.

Movement is unknown. Multiple keys can be pressed to do the same thing.
You have to find out what does what and what goes where.

So unfortunately for this monster species, they die instantly, as in game over, their life is gone.
At least there is an option to start life afresh.
P.S. - Use Z to shoot.

Made in 17 hours for LDJAM

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TheDestroyerNG, danidre14 not dinidre14. Do you even copy names?
Aside from that mispeller, gr8... even doe I dun't pl@y it.

In my 50+ full game reviews, I have never given a 10 out of 10, or 5 Star rating to any game on newgrounds because nothing has impressed me enough to reach that limit. But if there is game series that has a potential to drive out the maximum rating from me, it's Osuldorb! Take this as a major compliment!

Osuldorb, one of the most freakiest platforming games to reach newgrounds, but also fun as hell! The object is to make it to the end of the level while collecting Metons. There are 3 levels total, and you must collect every single Meton in the game, including the red ones. Miss a single one, and you have to start the game all over again. Note that the gameplay notes involving Metons increasing your power is deceiving. It doesn't make your character stronger, and is strictly there for story plot ending.

Now the game's tutorial is a fail, and the author goes as far as pulling a dick move, or was just too lazy to even bother...
"Movement is unknown. Multiple keys can be pressed to do the same thing.
You have to find out what does what and what goes where." - dinidre14
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here are the controls I found. If there's any missing, don't worry. You can 100% the game with this...

A / <- = Moves Left
D / -> = Moves Right
W = Jump
Z = Attack
SPACE BAR = Jump off ladders (button becomes essential later)


During the game, there will be monsters, lava pits, and spikes to get in your way. You can shoot the monsters down, but the others have to be avoided. Touching anyone of these 3 however is a game over. There are no save points - when you die, you go back to the beginning. The gameplay is executed so well! It gradually gets harder without initiating a random difficulty spike, and the level designs.... you that glowing heaven humming sound you hear in comedies when someone sees something they like? That is what the level designs radiate.

Now there are downsides to Osuldorb aside from it's tutorial, which is unfortunate.

- Other than the first 5 to 6 signs you read at the beginning of the game, the rest afterwards don't really tell you anything meaningful. The last sign at the end of level 1 trolls you by implying you can jump in the lava. And the signs in the second level go onto talk about mustard & eggs. WTF!?
- The graphics are average, but the animations are holding it back. The enemy monsters only do the same 2 walking animations, and the character you play as just slides across levels like a skating rink.
- I personally love the music. I think it's looped well, and that it goes perfectly with the theme it's going for. However, I can see why others would find it annoying. Not including a variety of music, or not having the option to mute it isn't fair to other's sanity and those who may not like the song so much.
- Lack of enemy variety for the type of game it is.

Finally, the game is too short. I was disappointed in finding out that there is only 3 levels, and it doesn't feel like it got it's ratings worth. I don't really care that it was made in 17 hours, the game feels finished. It's the vibe I'm getting, and a vibe that many others will likely get too. Tune it correctly, and Osuldorb is capable of being a classic. More levels with different themes and not just the castle, or add a new style to each castle artistic-wise. And address every other issue above. But until then, the final verdict for Osuldorb is a 6 out of 10 - slightly above average. It hurts to give a rating to a game that I enjoyed so much, but there's just too many issues piled up. Regardless, the game earns a sequel! I hope to see more work from this developer in the future.

Final Verdict: 6 out of 10
NG Rating: 3 Star

danidre14 responds:

I understand your issues and downsides. Most of it was meant to be random and meaningless, but that's the way it turned out. The reason for the few levels, was because i was rushed to finish the game or I won't be able to submit in time. There wasn't much else planned for the game story-wise, but after what I've read, it has opened my eyes. Basically, most of the things you have here (more enemies, animations, music, enemies, levels, tutorial, art) have only been limited to what is currently because I ran out of time. However, I did not plan on continuing this game, sequel or not.

That would take a very long time, and I am currently occupied with different long term projects I've been working on.

Thanks a lot for this sweet review, you've said it all, and I'm really happy you enjoyed this game.

According to the outcome of this game in the future, I may consider a sequel, but there really isn't anything else to it (other than what's stated above) so I don't see much to it as it may seem to you.

Good games. It will be great if there is the possibility to not retard the games if we die, but only restart the level.

danidre14 responds:

Thank you for playing. I would have made you restart the level instead, but as you saw in the intro, Chudwe died on touch. So unfortunately for this monster species, they die instantly, as in game over, their life is gone. At least there is an option to start life afresh.
P.S. - Use Z to shoot.

Thanks again for playing. :D

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2.95 / 5.00

Aug 25, 2015
4:03 PM EDT