a short three episode story i'm working on.
the animation will be different once complete, this is just to give a taste of what the story will be like.
You need major improvements in terms of art style (too messy) and animations (doesn't transition smoothly, feels too fast, and highlights the weaknesses of the art) before I give this more than 2 stars.
Also, when is this scene going to be? Beginning, middle, or end?
um... this particular project i made the trailer so i could know what direction to take the story into.
the trailer took me literally about an hour.
and the art style, if you don't like it then that's just you. it's my art style and i'm not going to change that for you. it's mine, simple enough.
okay...the art is pretty bad...for a shot one of them was a cyclops...i'd say work on your art...and due to the lack of content in the video I can't even give an assessment on everything...
lesbians are the best
You're clearly a very skilled artist, and I'd give you 4.5 stars pre-emptively for the finished project if I could, but I am only reviewing this video. The artwork is really nice, and the music pretty cool too, it would be good if there had been voice acting too: because you could've tested how good your lip-sync skills are along with your drawing and animation.