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Weak Blob

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Weak Blob is a game about a blob who lived with other blobs in an area known as The Comfort Zone. The blobs don't want to leave The Comfort Zone for dangerous enemies and obstacles lurk beyond it. The Comfort Zone however, is kind of bleak and boring so every now and again, a blob decides to leave it in search of a new home. Nobody knows whether or not, they survive and find a new, and potentially better home, or if they all get killed by the dangers of The Outside.

You play as Weak Blob who is another blob who has gotten sick of his boring life in the Comfort Zone and begun a journey to follow the same steps as other blobs who have tried the same thing. Will he be able to muster up the motivation to survive the horrors of The Outside?

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well i just started the game and i quit cause it's hard to keep the meter up and avoid the spike guys but good work

I gave you a good rating because the idea is clutch. I loved the story behind it but the controls are just "off" to me. You definitely lose motivation too quickly (by getting hurt and just in general) I think if it was fixed then maybe you would have more support and interest but I simply just got bored.
(Maybe thats the point ;) )

Fun, simple game. I think your is taking a hit though because you force the player to go alllll the way back to the beginning if they die. Yes I know you love those types of challenging games - and kudos to you for making games you love - just know there will be some backlash from it. I see this is your first game on NG and, given that you are using Styncl, I'm going to assume it may be your first (or first of a few). So listen very carefully to the criticism in the reviews, learn from them, and then use that knowledge to make your second game even better.

Good luck!

ExtremeZ7 responds:

Weak Blob is my second game but I've only been making games for less than a year so I'm very much a newbie so feedback is really something I look for. Thank you very much!

Hopefully, future games of mine will have a little more mainstream/streamlined challenge but will still have some elements catering to more hardcore players.

This game is too hard for me but is very well executed! It has a nice little plot and bearable music.
The games are well executed and fair. Timing and patience is everything. I also loved the motivation mechanic which basically forces tha player make quick desicions and provides a good game-pace.
I consider this to be a good game for anyone who's looking for a good presicion platformer.

ExtremeZ7 responds:

Thanks a lot.

Just letting you know that I'm still working on an update for it. Hopefully going to make the game slightly more fair towards players. (But still difficult because I like those kind of platformers)

UPDATE: Scratch that, the update is here.

Short review: It's Wonder Boy but with none of the charm, sluggish controls and wonky window scrolling. Fix that and it may be worth playing.

ExtremeZ7 responds:

Mmm. . . kay. Weird comparison. I looked up Wonder Boy and it has almost little in common with my game. I mean you throw hammers and ride skateboards in that game. Weak Blob is just a game about a weak blob.

The bad window scrolling will get fixed in a future update I'm working on. Slow movement is something that I can't change though, sorry about that.

UPDATE: Scratch that, the update is here

Credits & Info

3.02 / 5.00

Aug 17, 2015
11:36 AM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place August 19, 2015