This spaceship needs multi-directional guns.
If you face any problems with controls, use this link:
This spaceship needs multi-directional guns.
I was thinking of doing something like that.
Its okay. Its very buggy. I think it needs more work.
I know, but that was the best I could do. I'm not much of a programmer and going through the process of making this game made me realize it.
Intense! I like it! not the prettiest game but fun none the less.
Thanks and also thanks for using my game as your first gamer review.
Controls wonky - up and down sometimes scroll the window up and down for no apparent reason. shots hit the target with no actual effect. No beginning or end... game of nothing. Finish production, try again.
Dude, game making is not my thing. It was just something I did for class which I felt like sharing with NG so there will probably be no other game coming. Although, I'm sorry about the wonky controls. I did my best to fix them, but nothing seemed to work that's why I offered an alternative link.