I'm surprised no one thought of a series like this sooner
Animated Mad Lib # 5 - Camp Fantastic
I'm surprised no one thought of a series like this sooner
Can we be "pasty white friends?" maybe go out for some "spooky dooky" food?
And before you know it we'll be having a "full on naked time" and "pelvis thrusting like everyone else"
Just don't forget the "greased up penguin".
Hehehe of course we can be pasty white friends! We'll be PWBFFs : D
I have no idea whats going on here. I love it because of this.
Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate all the random randomness : )
It was funny and off the wall random. I liked it.
I liked the style and over-all art work but did think that it might need a little bit more fine tuning. Still good thou.
Thanks : ) That was a nice review, sir.