Lol, sex works when... uh.... UHHH... youy put the No-no tube.. or... the uh-oh tube in the no-no tube? Which is it!?
And now we get to see our main protagonists! Sarah (The elf) Is only one, all of there names will be revealed at some point.
Ok, I wasn't clear about this on the last part, so I'll lay it down.
You know those old china IL shorts on youtube? You know, before it got on adult swim? Well, yeah the animation is supposed to be like that. Or a more modern example, Technical dave.
Or any of those other videos about people telling stories that they think are so great and only use drawn slides to keep your attention.
I did have a little bit of fun and add some animation in though.
Also, one crucial detail, this series is based off of my webcomic here Now you'll know the characters and maybe get some of the jokes.
Also, follow me on twitter and tumblr for previews!
Lol, sex works when... uh.... UHHH... youy put the No-no tube.. or... the uh-oh tube in the no-no tube? Which is it!?
I can't tell if it's my computer acting up again but the audio stopped being in sync with the animation. Other than that I got a couple of chuckles out of this so its all right I'd suppose, might be some future potential there. maybe...
Shame they changed the rating comments. This really does make poop look good.
Yup, you can't get this quality of shittyness anywhere else, thank you for even furthering my artistic skills with that insightful, not useless comment.
Lmao! Best humor ever and animation!