I feel like its unfinished or maybe it's a bug but, I'm able to get out of the forest and just wonder into blackness also the rain animation is a little distracting. On the up side the lighting effect is great.
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w,a,s,d to move and arrow keys to look about.
some trees give 2 pages. Its my first 3D game.
I feel like its unfinished or maybe it's a bug but, I'm able to get out of the forest and just wonder into blackness also the rain animation is a little distracting. On the up side the lighting effect is great.
The wandering into the darkness isn't a glitch because i'm not sure how to make more trees as you walk or stop you from walking but i did try to fix the rain.
Okay, let me just say, there's nothing wrong with the premise, the art, the controls, bugs, or the fact that you used scratch (which I personally hate,) my problem is that the game was too easy. Just take a few steps from Slenderman and you're safe. You can move easily through the forest and because of the screwed up shadows you can see page trees from a mile away. There's also no real end, which really ticks me off. My point is, this feels like it was put together all in one night. No problem with that, but you could've put a bit more work into the programming. I really didn't like playing through this, and I feel like you could've worked harder on it.
LOOOOOOOL it was put together in one night. I made it quickly so i could take a while to make a new game i'm working on.
The game works, but it's just a lower quality version of an already existing game. Make something original! You definitely have the ability to make something great, so do that.
My next game ill do that.
it is not great not amazing but ok
is it your first game
Well... My first 3D game.