these reveiws suck dis rulezzzzzz :P
This one took longer than it should have and for that I apologize.
This ones a bit graphic. So ...."Warning" I guess...whatever.
I just hope you laughed.
these reveiws suck dis rulezzzzzz :P
Horrible ´´amigo´´
i think you upIoaded this to the wrong rating man. but personaIIy this isnt reaIIy aII that funny either, and weII i guess i agree with the gist of your vid though...
ok I don't see why this was rated adult. graphics were ok, the voices seemed a little rushed but the animation was good. and for the people having a problem with the joke... stop being butthurt.
this thing is a low class humour.... maybe you could have a better reflexion about chirsmast here... You could make joke less silly....
A) youre acting like I personally wrote the joke B) I specifically labeled this as mature and offensive. Why did you watch it then? Thats your short coming not mine. Give a low score for a real reason. Not because it messed with your dumb views on a stupid holiday.