I really like the idea here with the RPG and pong haha what an odd twist of the game but it was fun
Pong with a small RPG twist!
Press P to enter the options menu, with the controls (not that there are many).
This game was developed during the Mini Ludum Dare #58, in which the theme was simply "Pong". I decided to give it some RPG elements, as well as go with a blue color scheme. This is a 2 day game, so please judge/treat it as such.
Added some more RPG elements since original launch. Hopefully you enjoy them.
Thanks for playing!
I really like the idea here with the RPG and pong haha what an odd twist of the game but it was fun
Really neat idea with the RPG elements! It doesn't add any insanely entertaining feats or upgrade potentials to the game, but it's definitely more entertaining than regular Pong! I'm thinking that with some potential upgrades floating around on screen, ability to multiple the projectile, create barriers etc, things might get much more interesting! There's this ancient game called Mortal Pongbat that integrates the aspects of fighting; arcade with regular Pong, and made it a real blast to play! Would love to see a modern variant of something like that, maybe even online. But anyway, real nice idea with this! The idea's great, the mechanics are flawless, but the game itself... still can get a bit monotone.
Thanks for playing, and thanks for the opinion, i'll take it into account!
Also the wizard class does have a barrier, do you mean using a barrier in a different way?
Love the concept! I couldn't get past the godly AI though unless I played as the archer class though. I thought the class idea was clever but it needs to be designed in a way that you feel that each play style can stand a chance of winning. It was fun and good for a 2 day game; the RPG aspect alone makes this a good game for what it was intended as!
Thanks a lot for playing, and for the suggestions! :)
And I agree, balancing is an important part of any future improvements. That, and making the class system a bit more interesting (an ability for each class would be fun, as well as leveling/exp).
BUG! xD jeje
...pong games are terrible and boring, why did you bother making this?