First, it wasn't just mindlessly violent, or overtly sexual, and I find it refreshing.
Second, the animation and sound quality was smooth and to the point of synchro' so it was good as well. The jokes were only sort of corn-ball, but as a part-time reptile wrangler, myself, I found them funny. Good job...
Now, for those who do not know what to do about snakes in a house (bedroom or otherwise) I fell it imperative to me to toss a couple strategies out for you (all)...
Mothballs are a great way to deter almost everything from places you don't want disturbed, and yes (before you ask) they work against snakes as well.
The stick trick... A lot more advanced... but it works on the principle that snakes aren't going to be missed by NASA. Press the stick (or a regular walking cane as in my case) down just behind the head of the snake and it usually tries to wriggle backward to get free (recognizing the shorter and easier distance) so as long as you can lock it in place that way, you'll have that much control. The next part is the dangerous thing, getting your fingers around it right at the base of the skull, so that it can't reach around to bite. This is imperative since (well, without a BUTTLOAD of memorization) you're probably better off assuming the snake is poisonous.
Once you've gotten a hold on it, tightly behind the skull, you can remove the little bastard (or the not-so-little bastard as the case might be) to a better location. Make sure this new location will allow a retreat for the snake. They only tend toward biting people when there's no other alternative. A good rule of thumb is that the snake can only eat things up to about 4 times the width of its head, so it views biting you as a last resort and usually avoids that (a waste of venom)... That's of course NOT to say that handling snakes is safe in any way... But in the case you don't see an alternative, there are the basics... And no, snakes (other than anacondas) are most certainly leathery, not slimy... And even anacondas only get kinda gooey because they spend so much time in water...