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SMBZ Stick Tribute

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Hello, all!

How are you doing? Now, as we all know, SMBZ is a short-lived animated series by Mark "Alvin Earthworm" Haynes starring the respective mascots of Nintendo and Sega as they teamed up to gain possession of the mystical Chaos Emeralds before the malicious Metallix (then known as Mecha Sonic) collects them all. One day, I decided to get out my copy of Pivot 3.0 Beta and do a little animation as a homage to this gem of animation. Yes, I missed a great opportunity to use Flash to add a few Special effects, but I decided to leave it as it is in all its Limited Animation Glory.

We love you, Mark!

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amazing compinche

I like the idea of the tribute, but some things were missing (Yes I know you didn't mean for this to be your best work in the world but these are just some ideas) The fact that there was no background made it kinda hard to tell if any of the characters where moving at times or if they were supposed to be standing still. The special effects could have been more creative than just circle that explode. The stick guys themselves were a bit chunky, and they didn't have an outline to make them look more crisp... Idk I respect the tribute though. I love the credits too lol

Not bad to be held in pivot, although in flash would achieve a better result, beginning by having a stage animation.

Credits & Info

4.39 / 5.00

Feb 19, 2015
12:50 PM EST