This hand animated short premiered at SxSw and went on to play at prestigious festivals such as Hiroshima, and won best short awards at festivals like Animation Block Party, the academy qualifying USA Film Festival, and one of our favorites Indie Grits.
Confusion Through Sand had its broadcast premiere on PBS last Monday as part of ITVS's Independent Lens series. And now we get to kick it out of the nest and into the real world. Enjoy with quality sound. And find more of our work at
What an awesome short! It's perfect in every way. The only thing that bothered me was the animation, which it was fine and fluent, except the lines in the frame changing every second was kind of bothersome.
Amazing action, pacing, and themes. Truly awesome!!
Holy crap. This immediately had my attention- those angle switch shots are incredible, the presentation is so unique, amazing short.
so cool, amazing, something different!