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A simple start 5 Points

Complete five levels

First real challenge 10 Points

Complete level 11

Red arrow blocks 10 Points

Complete 15 levels

Switches and more 10 Points

Complete level 17

Arrow types 25 Points

Get to level 21

Be teleported 25 Points

Complete 25 levels

Both solutions 25 Points

Complete level 26 and 27

Duplication 25 Points

Complete level 30

Occasionally solid 25 Points

Complete 35 levels

Rotations 25 Points

Get to level 40

Complexity 50 Points

Complete level 42

Finally 50 Points

Get to level 45

Puzzle master 100 Points

Complete the game

Author Comments

You can swap blocks with each other in this challenging puzzle game. Use this ability to get the red triangle to the finish. There are many special blocks, like moveable blocks, switches and teleporters.

Can you complete all 45 levels?

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Love the game, just finished it, I do wish you had a level select menu, as some levels I'd like to try again. This is a very intelligent game, I found it stimulating. I think you could borrow a page from "Time Fcku" in having an additional menu to post user-made levels, the game is this good, you'll have a never-ending slew of new levels!

Thank you for the great game!

It is Awesome game. I want a sequel with even more blocks :) . But I hope it will also be adapted for personal computers browser as well as now. More logical , puzzle and platformer games


A really good puzzling challenge. The only way you could improve this game is by having more levels... which is totally possible since the level editor unlocks once you complete the game.

MY CREATION which I call "Merry-go-round":

Only main gripe:
I play with shift held down all the time. Not sure why you wouldn't. Moves are too slow otherwise. Next game maybe have a movement speed slider (slow-medium-rapid).

A few minor issues:
*Once the level editor unlocks, it should remain unlocked. I had to play through a second time because I clicked new game... turns out it is not any easier the second time round (well I knew I completed the levels - but couldn't remember how).
*It would be nice if there was a level select screen that unlocks after completing the game. This is why I clicked new game... I wanted to go look at your levels again... well maybe not all of them (LOL).
*Level editor is missing an erase button. Also not 100% sure what the last five block types are.
*Would be SUPER AWESOME if this used the Newgrounds User/Shared Creation system (the Flash API does support file sharing - but if there is a handy tutorial, then it's not obvious).

On the plus side: minimalist style totally suits the gameplay. Did I mention the gameplay/puzzles are fantastic. 45 levels is a good game length - long enough to show off some neato puzzles, but not too long to feel like a mission. Didn't think the game jumped in difficulty - just sometimes it lured you into doing the wrong thing (hey, it is a puzzle game, so that is cool!!)

You didn't really do any diabolical puzzles (thank goodness) and I liked that there were multiple ways of completing some levels (some intentional / natural result of the blocks available - others maybe unintentional). Might be worth keep a track of the move count for each level - then you know if a level has a sneaky way of finishing it!!!

Hopefully you get enough interest to keep creating puzzles!! That's the nice thing about this game: infinitely expandable!

flori9 responds:

Thank you very much for your review! I really like the level you made - it was quite hard to complete, even for me as creator of the game, and the way the level worked out in the end was great. Is it okay if I use this level if I make a sequel? (just PM me if it is, you'll of course be credited)

I fully agree with the issues you mention.
I personally find the game way too fast with the shift button in most situations, but I'll make a faster/slower button if I make a next version (and probably default it to the current speed SHIFT has or something in between the normal speed and that speed).
You can remove blocks in the level editor with the right mouse button. I do agree that isn't obvious, though (the level editor was mostly made for my own use).
The last five button types are unused in the game because I couldn't really find enough use for them, but I left them in for the level editor. The floor black arrows move whenever you swap blocks (they can't be swapped themselves), while the spikes force restart the level (I should probably have removed that block completely, as it's not really fun).
Unfortunately, this game is made in HTML5, not flash, so I'd have to actually expand the API script to add file sharing (the current HTML5 API only supports trophies). That's certainly possible (I believe I could just look at how the Unity API has done it), but it's a bit more work than it would be for Flash. I'll certainly look into it if I make a sequel, though.

I must admit that this is a pretty unique puzzle game (minimalist, but unique none the less) which seems pretty hard to do now a days. I managed to beat it and one of my only complaints would be is that I feel that I found ways around the conventional ways of beating the levels (or at least the ways you had planned out as I didn't always need to use all the books you set up). I don't know how I feel about levels in a game like this having more than one way of beating them; it takes away the challenge of finding that difficult "correct answer", but then again, life often presents us with more than one way of solving a problem if we're smart enough so I'm just not sure (I'm probably just not use to this sort of thing). My last complaint is that the game seems to jump around in difficulty, which seems to be caused in some cases by poor level design (I mean no offense). I really like the game and I think that if any puzzle game deserved an award, it is this one. Perhaps try shifting this game to mobile if you haven't already. this appears as it would be a perfect fit for that. Good luck on your next game.

flori9 responds:

Thank you very much for your review! I fully agree with most of the points you mention and will try to improve on my next games. About the multiple solutions: that's partly intentional, but there might be solutions that are too easy that I didn't notice on some levels.
And great job completing the game!

skins and 3d, level editor, and stick it on phone

Credits & Info

4.05 / 5.00

Jan 25, 2015
2:07 PM EST