A really good puzzling challenge. The only way you could improve this game is by having more levels... which is totally possible since the level editor unlocks once you complete the game.
MY CREATION which I call "Merry-go-round":
Only main gripe:
I play with shift held down all the time. Not sure why you wouldn't. Moves are too slow otherwise. Next game maybe have a movement speed slider (slow-medium-rapid).
A few minor issues:
*Once the level editor unlocks, it should remain unlocked. I had to play through a second time because I clicked new game... turns out it is not any easier the second time round (well I knew I completed the levels - but couldn't remember how).
*It would be nice if there was a level select screen that unlocks after completing the game. This is why I clicked new game... I wanted to go look at your levels again... well maybe not all of them (LOL).
*Level editor is missing an erase button. Also not 100% sure what the last five block types are.
*Would be SUPER AWESOME if this used the Newgrounds User/Shared Creation system (the Flash API does support file sharing - but if there is a handy tutorial, then it's not obvious).
On the plus side: minimalist style totally suits the gameplay. Did I mention the gameplay/puzzles are fantastic. 45 levels is a good game length - long enough to show off some neato puzzles, but not too long to feel like a mission. Didn't think the game jumped in difficulty - just sometimes it lured you into doing the wrong thing (hey, it is a puzzle game, so that is cool!!)
You didn't really do any diabolical puzzles (thank goodness) and I liked that there were multiple ways of completing some levels (some intentional / natural result of the blocks available - others maybe unintentional). Might be worth keep a track of the move count for each level - then you know if a level has a sneaky way of finishing it!!!
Hopefully you get enough interest to keep creating puzzles!! That's the nice thing about this game: infinitely expandable!