That voice sounds more like seagal than his dubbed over voice
Action star Steven Seagal loves life and black puddings!
That voice sounds more like seagal than his dubbed over voice
I have no idea what Steven Seagal is talking about. This piece does have its redeeming qualities though. I liked the part with the kitties at the end.
thanks a lot for rating man but when you say kitties, which bit is that?
i just watched that movie "machete" yesterday. that was just plain silly. is he just in those ridiculous action movies?
Thanks for rating, I really like that film, it's incredibly stupid but what else would we expect from Rodriguez? I like the fact he makes stupid stuff in an epic way. Pretty much, he hasn't resorted to campaigns like this just yet lol
Actors life in a nut shell, that momet when it comes to making commercials.
Yup, my personal favourite is the Jackie Chan Woolworths