A fun game a nice puzzle element with platformer style and this was actually entertaining
Fill marked area by selecting, subtracting and inverting game field tiles.
A fun game a nice puzzle element with platformer style and this was actually entertaining
You don't have to always reinvent the wheel when making a game, and this is a perfect example. The game is simple with really no razzle dazzle. However, it is fun, and you feel a sense of accomplishment as you progress.
Ahh this reminds me of a similar puzzle platformer I just played. Similar in concept, but the level design; levels themselves are entirely different. Graphically, this is definitely the superior one out of the two too. Fluid game mechanics and challenging gameplay, nice work!
Intéressant et bien expliqué, ce jeu apporte certaines choses bien qu'il ne révolutionnera rien dans le monde du puzzle... Alors c'est un jeu armor games et dispose donc de ses qualités: explications claires, graphismes propres et musiques adaptées. Cependant, tout cela fonctionne mais il reste un petit quelque chose encore pour le rendre vraiment attachant.
my video experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv6y-aUSGek