that was funny and the art looks like him sorta but the best part was the mouth movement it was almost perfect
Okay, I know it's really short, but it's the first real work I've put into an animation, and the first time I've used good equipment like a drawing tablet instead of a track pad. I hope you enjoy, and for some behind the scenes, check out RealityRiddlerProductions on YouTube!
that was funny and the art looks like him sorta but the best part was the mouth movement it was almost perfect
Yeah, the lip syncing was most of the animation time, and I still feel like it could have gone a lot better. But I am proud of myself for my first "semi-professional" attempt at a good quality animation. I also like to believe that this drawing is one of the most realistically accurate to his look, and that most are really cartoon-ish. (Not to say that mine is better, but I wanted it to look like Markiplier, and not a cartoon character with his voice.)
Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark!
I love Markiplier so while not the greatest of animations, you win for making something about him, thanks!
This was the very first actual effort I've put into an animation, so I'm not offended. Might I ask if there was anything in particular that was not so great about the animation? (I mean Mark is the best part, so other than that. :P)