This is part 1 of a full animated series on the original Twitch Plays Pokemon series.
Twitch Plays Pokemon was a live stream that lets you play Pokemon collaboratively with a lot of other people by typing commands into chat. ~ Hilarity ensued, and I would like to make an animation series based on it, to keep 'T.P.P' in memory.
This will hopefully be a fully animated version of the original Twitch plays Poke'mon Red, following all the funniest parts that happened in the stream. This part 1 consists of the lost days, the days that were not documented. There will be a part for each GYM badge, and one big finale' for the Elite four and champ :D
a sound effect was used and obtained from
Hope there will be a second episode very soon.
very funny and awsome can't wait for the 2ed one
I like 90% of this, as for 10% I saved it for next episode ( So basically yeah I like all of it!).