Very creative. You make some of the greatest Monster Hunter videos.
Enjoy this special halloween episode!
side note.
I've no intention to built any jump scare scene, you're not suppose to get a scare out of the ending scene.
Very creative. You make some of the greatest Monster Hunter videos.
awesome, love your videos, i epsacialy liked the part abozut rahtalos handing out his plates.
As a non native english speaker i never thought about this possibility.
The one thing im thinking of is that something like a rathalos ruby is just a kidney stone...or tooth stone.
looks like someone has been playing some monster hunter...
Oh my gosh this was absolutely hilarious! They're all jokes that only MH fans would get but since I'm a HUGE MH fan I don't mind :B Fandom aside, the concept of it was extremely clever and just makes me love the series even more
Door design was really lazy please work on that.