Animated short/parody of what I would think would happen if Deadpool went to the mall with his swords and his guns.
ROTFLMAO! nice one
great little movie about super-heroes and their problems in real life...
i also LOVE deadpool, so it's great when i see people using him in their movies!
nice work, nice humour, and nice drawings/animation, and oh man
you have added a prealoader! thanks for listening to my advice!
it will improve the movie alot more... and it will make it more visually appealing.
great movie, no mistakes, and funny! carry on!
LOL thanks for telling me how to add a preloader xD, it was really simple following your instructions so thank you very much!
Great work, Deadpool is a fantastic character to work with!
It was a good animation, The audio could be better, if it was voice acted. But you know. Good job. If you're a beginner.