Made me chuckle sometimes :D.
My Youtube:
I woke up one day with this idea on my minds that it would be funny if Nicolas Cage will fight D'vorah.
Made me chuckle sometimes :D.
Simple, short, and funny. Maybe a bit too copy paste, but it still turned out ok.
This sucks like Being Stung by a thousand bees!
Not quite sure what to say about this. I honestly thought it was gonna be funnier and this is coming from someone who usually laughs at Cage's freakouts on YouTube, the art was decent aside from the cut&paste of Nick Cages' head. You have all the basics down and are clearly a capable artist.
Take this review for what it is though haha an honest review! I know with practice comes perfection, keep up the great work and you'll only get better I'm positive. :)
Yeah that's correct, but nothing spesial