That was way too short. The popups were annoying to click and hurt the atmosphere greatly, the art totally ruined the atmosphere and it was dull to play, plus the jump scare was poorly timed to the point where it was almost funny, in a not good way.
Demos don't belong here, especially if they're this underdeveloped. No offense, and this is going to sound mean, but I intend it as genuine advice, so don't take it the wrong way- if this is going to be so much better when it's finished and all of the things you seem to be claiming, then don't show us this nonsense, show us the vastly improved finished product. Honestly, you said this was an example of your creation skills, and I don't think a very small screen, some unfittingly bad graphics and an abrupt, super short finish are impressing too many people here, myself included.
Get a team, overhaul the crap out of this, THEN put it up. The reception will be infinitely warmer, and the resulting game will be infinitely more enjoyable.