Horrible animation
voice didn't fit the man
to much rhyming
need more comedy
needs more color
change the cartoony effect
A collaboration animation
If you want to collaborate with me con act me on Skype or youtube!
Newgrounds show this video some love ;)
Any feed back would be helpful
I couldn't get a right thumbnail for the video but o well...
Horrible animation
voice didn't fit the man
to much rhyming
need more comedy
needs more color
change the cartoony effect
The drawing is good, but it needs to be improved. I liked the camera angles and the voice acting, but I don't understand why the camera is always shaking. Next time fix the shaky camera and make the voice acting louder, you have potential!
Please stop with the shaky cam. The drawing is otherwise good and expressive, and I like your use of other effects, such as the fire, but don't make them a crutch, especially an annoying one.