anyone notice the easteregg when you finish? it may seeM like A pointless big aRea, but If yOu Look at how thE silVer arEa is pLaced, yOu may Notice somEthing. im not going to tell you though. that would spoil it
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This is a very short prototype to test how platforming feels.
A gamepad can be used for this game (you have to press a button while the game is in focus first).
Gamepad controls (based on the 360 controller) are:
D-Pad/Joystick - Left/Right
A - Jump
RT - Run
anyone notice the easteregg when you finish? it may seeM like A pointless big aRea, but If yOu Look at how thE silVer arEa is pLaced, yOu may Notice somEthing. im not going to tell you though. that would spoil it
Glad you liked the easter egg! That area was where I originally tested movement and jumping before making the starting area.