because of the comments i just can´t play it because the fear of being somthng perv
Game was made for the russian games jam GamesJammGamm in 3 evenings (instead whole week). Theme was ''phobias". And this game about one of base phobias – taphophobia, the fear of being placed in a grave while still alive.
Great thanks to my girlfriend for the voice samples of breathing and final music theme.
I hope you will enjoy playing.
Just click for breathing before oxygen is out. Don't let main character asphyxiation.
Project page (sorry, in Russian):
because of the comments i just can´t play it because the fear of being somthng perv
strange fetish but ok
IGN-The BEST game ever made, 10/10, game of the year
funny ^_^
It isn't well made or have story. It's hard to even consider this a game, much less an interactive narrative. But I guess you were more worried about the gross joke than the game itself.