I'm giving this a 1 for the fact it is a nice collection of forest pictures and a (somewhat) imaginative spaceship entry...
1: with little to no instructions, I can only assume the 'strange object' I found is a bug in the fact I can do nothing with it.
2: the only puzzle I could get to with the 4 non square colored things... instructions are so bad (either just poor, or bad translations) that I have no idea what to do.
3: as pointed out before, the transition from room to room is a bit long... but also, it's a pain until you find out you have to hover the mouse specifically on the center of the side... and that's when it bothers to pop up to notify you if there is an 'exit' or not
4: because of the issue of the puzzle being undoable... the only way to end the game is to go back into a room you've already ran away from... and letting timer go out... to a 'your dead' screen with again, no explanation at all.