dayum this gaems broke! x3
(understands need to jump, jumps, dies floating the the emptiness of space)
This is a small game developed during the NASA space apps challenge 2014 for the theme "Asteroid Prospector". You play as a space vehicle and you should mine minerals with your tools and bring them back to your station.
Team Dark-1
W - Walk on asteroid
V - Visor
Space - Propel upward / Continue
Control - Brake
Shift - Propel forward
Scrollwheel / 1/2/3 - Change weapon
R - Reset level
dayum this gaems broke! x3
(understands need to jump, jumps, dies floating the the emptiness of space)
You should control yourself by propeling forward using shift, and breaking using control.
I am actually impressed with this game despite what it is lacking (usually, as sad as it is, I do tend to judge games based on the their score coming out of the Under Judgment category). It reminds me of the Good Morning, Captain or something like that. The exploration, as limited as it is, is fun and jumping from astroid to astroid is cool and takes a little maneuvering. I don't know if there is anything to gain by collecting cargo, but the idea for this game, along with the graphics, are awesome. If you could add different level (different solar systems or different backgrounds), and maybe even add some obstacle like aliens or flying small comets that can hurt you, this game would appeal to a larger audience, but I understand it was for a NASA space app contest though I could definitely picture this as being in a space museum as a simulation for kids (even if it isn't realistic). Great job.