This makes poo look good.... lol the name of the rank fits its sort of funny
Hello to all!
Help the poo eater to eat more pooes possible.
Be careful, however, because tapeworms can eat the eater and larvae can get into your stomach and then suffocate.
Press the spacebar with your wart to resist tapeworms.
For every two pooes taken consecutively, another pooes will appear on the screen, up to 50 pooes.
If you take a larva, the added pooes explode.
For every 5 scores taken, increases the strength of tapeworms.
In the top of your left displays the life, while at the top of your right displays your score
You can recover life by eating red blood cells
I hope that fans of the award-winning Poo Collector will accept the changes that I have adopted in this reboot.
/*[UPDATE MAY 2015]*/
Hello everyone !!
I wanted to inform my numerous fans that Poo Eater is now available on Google Play.
You can see 100 poos on the screen of your mobile device.
Its completely free and without advertising. Try it and tell me what you think of this experiment!
/*[/UPDATE MAY 2015]*/
(sorry for bad English)
This makes poo look good.... lol the name of the rank fits its sort of funny
You gave 3 stars for this abomination? Great comment
Bello direi, semplice ma allo stesso tempo divertente , mi ricorda i vecchi giochini di una volta ! Aggiungerei anche con un significato sociale, dove la nostra società ci porta a dover mandare giù un sacco di cacca ogni giorno in questo mondo vile fatto di tante merde che vogliono prevalere sui più deboli. Ora con un sottile velo di tristezza , per via di questo significato profondo che l'autore a voluto dare a questo videogame, faccio i miei più sentiti complimenti all'autore incitandolo a proseguire su questa strada , il mondo ha bisogno di persone come te che mandi alla gente segnali forti di pace e amore .
Simone da Decimomannu
I do not speak Italian, Sardinian are.
This game is virtually unplayable. It's controls are annoying and hearing 'TUUUURD' all the time makes my own TUUUURDS overheat. Blam this so that others will not get affected.
U mad bro? I hope you grow a wart inside a wart. ( thanks for review)
This game looks like it was done in a few minutes, and the game feels like a ripoff of another puzzle game. Also I have no idea what I'm controlling, and I have no idea what he's saying when I get hit. Terrible, TERRIBLE game.
Thanks for review this masterpiece!
I know that isn't a great work.
This is the alpha Flash version of a game that I am creating for Android with Corona SDK.
On Android the game will be more fluid, has more poop on the screen (100) and will have a shop to buy upgrades.
I did this conversion with Stencyl, to finish it quickly, because I wanted to know what people thought.
You said that you do not understand what you control. This is very useful to me and I will try to explain better the mechanics of the game and then try to better balance the difficulty.
When you say it looks like a copy of another game, what game are you referring to?