Not bad good work
I remember in high school I tried to remake this small scene from the yellow submarine. I didn't know about masking back then
Not bad good work
This is pretty damn sweet. Keep it up. Experimenting with animation is how you become great at it. Turns you into a magical Wizard (or mad scientist) an ish.
thanks i can wait to cast those spellzz
I remember this well, from the beginning of "Only A Northern Song" when they enter the Sea of Science.
I'm afraid I was a little disappointed that this was just the one set of tweens, however. I assume you did it by having multiple layers of the image each masked on a few squares? But excellent choice of inspiration for future animation.
thanks ya i just learned about masks for the first time when I made it. I remember trying to do this without knowing about masking and it didnt turn out so great lol.
How long is this?
lmao sry it just loops