This is a demo. Next time, submit a complete game. You should correct the spelling errors in your text.
A short demonstration-type thing of a text rpg I'm working on. There's no combat yet, and literally every skill you can improve upon is useless, but I hope you can find some weird form of entertainment from it. Thanks
EDIT: I should let you know that the game ends once you awaken from the dream, it'll just freeze.
This is a demo. Next time, submit a complete game. You should correct the spelling errors in your text.
Barely even a demo. A few blocks of text and practically guided through it with limited option. For a game like this, a sample is useless. Would have had a much better impact releasing it when you are finished. And considering you estimate around another year of production, it seems you have only just started making it. Merely a concept game at this moment in time. And for something so short, and is a text game, you have a few spelling errors already - guaranteed to have a few more in the final edition. I can't say I'll be looking you up in a year's time to see the finished game, but if I come across it I'll be sure to play.
Very well I love that kind of game and I can't wait. Oh and you have a date for the full version?
To be honest I have no idea, probably no later than January 2015. Perhaps as early as July.
Needs work
pretty good demo i see forward to the whole and what your stats can do later on