ending ew...
**EDIT: Changed mono to stereo, among other things.
My first ACTUAL animation(one that isn't just a flash loop or short parody). It was done for my animation class, where we had to team up with 2 other people and make a 3-minute movie using a character we drew. My teammates came up with a turtle and a mushroom named Woodrow, and I drew myself.
Man, I had to work my balls off to get this done before the deadline, which was in TWO days. Fortunately, the day it was due, our teacher was absent, so I got to work on it over the weekend. This is all I got done in that time. I might go back and color it, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy!
I kept having to go back and fix the audio, because my computer sorta "balances" out the sounds. But then I'd look at it somewhere else and the audio'd be almost to a whisper, and the sound effects'd be BLASTING.
BTW, that "Not Roman" sign; I noticed that the man in the alley looks like Roman Torchwick, so that's why I put that there
ending ew...
I was wondering why the dark alley was so white.
Awesome storytelling btw, now im wondering what you could do if you had time.
Thanks for your feedback. Our animation teacher always did give us ridiculous deadlines for almost everything. Whenever I can, I'll go back and recolor. That way, the dark alley will actually be dark.