It could definitely be better, but I'm intrigued and I'll watch it.
This is the official opening of my Flash/Sprite Animation Series, Sonic & Shadow: The Hidden Bonds.
Sonic & Shadow: The Hidden Bonds is my Sprite/Flash Animation Series taking inspiration and elements from the NARUTO series created by Masashi Kishimoto, with it's storyline taking inspiration from the Sasuke Retrieval Arc.
You can watch all 12 episodes of the complete series by following this link:
It could definitely be better, but I'm intrigued and I'll watch it.
i accidentally clicked 2 instead of 0.
"Congratulations! Your vote was the last voted needed for this submission to be protected."
Liked everything, the song, the animation, etc.
But it really threw me off that suddenly everything changed into the Sonic'06 events.
Therefore 3/5.