It relies too much on information I don't necessarily have any source of. The windows media player thing was where it started getting bad, ugh! HOW was I supposed to know you wanted play pause stop on the second line and rewind fast forward on the bottom? You know what I see when I put up windows media player? I see stop, rewind, play, fast forward, all on one line. And the play button turns into a pause button and back again depending on whether it's paused or running. It would be unreasonable even if you listed the version number you used because what am I supposed to do, install that version to see what it looks like for this game? But I stumbled onto the one you wanted, made quick work of the next 2, and I'm quitting on the one with a 1, 2 2's, a 3 and 3 diamonds. It's vague and I'm not going to try every permutation.
Here's an idea. How about interesting reality warping art instead? Like MC Escher, Margritte, and Salvador Dali. Like maybe Escher's one with the fish turning into birds.
You know this puzzle was actually the big thing at the end of the 19th century (traditionally with just numbers 1-8 or 1-15 or 1-24) in much the way that the rubik's cube came around in 1980. But if you don't even know what numbers are on the squares, you have no way to solve the puzzle, you see. That's what this is like. It's like that puzzle but with the numbers written on in invisible ink.