This has potential.
It kinda reminds me of "The World's Hardest Game" (look it up if you don't know what it is).
The way their game differs from this one is in quality and playablility. There are some noticeable flaws in your game that need some fixing- most notably the hitboxes for your moving obstacles. Many times I died on level 3 simply because I was just barely too close to the spinning rectangles, even though I wasn't actually touching them.
The other thing I'd change is your death/scoring system. It's a pain to have to completely restart the game after just 3 deaths (moreso if it's a long game- I don't know the length because I never got past level 3). I'd suggest doing one of two things:
One: Add more lives- I'd make the death limit anywhere from 7 to 10. Having only 3 lives will make people get frustrated and just give up after a few goes at the game. If you're going for a hardcore game, I suggest you find some other way to make the game difficult; the more popular hardcore games are the ones that are still playable.
Two: Use a similar system to "The World's Hardest Game," mentioned earlier- I would allow the player to die an unlimited amount of times, but keep a death count, so that people with more deaths have a lower score than people who didn't die as much. You could still keep a time-based score as part of it. So, basically, the quicker you were at completing the levels with fewer deaths, the higher your score would be. If you died a lot but went really quickly, you'd get a score similar to someone who didn't die much but went really slowly. I prefer this option, as I don't enjoy starting entire games over.
I think if you fixed the hitboxes and revised the death system it would be a great game. As it is, I like the idea- though I'd like it more if there was some variable other than star-collecting, as that's a bit cliche- and the music, though repetitive, is kinda catchy. The graphic style is mediocre and could use some sprucing up, too.
Hope you see this and it helps! :D