I will have to be painfully honest here. This game is way too bland, and I don't think anyone would be able to stand 60 levels of this. Firstly, there's no objective. It's a pointless platformer. Demo or not it is still very average, with no redeeming quality whatsoever.
It is also not very challenging nor is it interesting. The challenge only comes from the awkward controls. Why have you programmed space bar as the jump button when W would have been a better choice? Was making awkward controls the only method you could implement to make the game seem hard? Also, where does it lead? What is the story behind it? There's no point to any of it all, just jumping a bunch of boring very uncomplicated platforms.
If you're going to make 60 levels of this, it's better not to. Unless you can make something much more challenging and interesting. This game as it is now is not very good at all. Please make better games in the future.