Animation: 2/10
The animation could have been ALOT better seeing how nicely some frames were drawn but most of the frames were way below sub-par, this should not happen in 1-3 frame scenes.
I am going to assume you were rushed into making this because with just a little more time and effort it would look alot better.
Pro's: Good potential in your artwork. Bland Animation style helps with the atmosphere.
Con's: Sub-par artwork for a very low amount of frames.
Atmosphere: 4/10
Music/Sound: 2/10
The tone of music helps out the atmosphere but it is way too loud and comes out of nowhere, if you would have had a background looping track with the same tone it would have helped out so much and that does not take too much time or effort to do, their is no excuse for lazyness.
Pro's: Atmosphere works with the bland animation style.
Con's: Music too loud, No BG Track.
Overall Quality 3/10
The overall quality is poor mainly because of lack of inexperience and time (I assume)
Could easily been polished to a passing grade, all you needed were the little things, I know you tried hard to draw the hair and faces but other than that no effort went into anything else.
you have good potential but you need to take your animations more seriously and use better techniques to engage the audience into the atmosphere.
Keep working hard at this and you will be real good within a year or two. I look forward to reviewing your next animation :)
Look at "Salad Fingers" if you want some inspiration.