This is the concept of the Tower of Hanoi. You could have added some innovative gameplay element, or really good graphics and/or sound to make it interesting. Unfortunately this is not the case.
1 star for the implementation effort.
Arrange the MOnkeys in size order in lowest move possible
This is the concept of the Tower of Hanoi. You could have added some innovative gameplay element, or really good graphics and/or sound to make it interesting. Unfortunately this is not the case.
1 star for the implementation effort.
It is an extremely old concept for a game, just simply modified for a video game style. While being an older game, it could have been acceptable for this except for a few issues.
First, there are too many games being made now without a mute feature. Not all of us want to listen to the sound effects of a game.
Second, you need to be so precise while releasing the monkeys or else they just keep bouncing back, and adding additional turns to the total. I think it needs to be a little more accepting on that.